Skin cancer and light damage

No cancer type shows a faster increase than skin cancer. What is the cause? First and foremost, it is probably due to people's careless exposure to the sun in recent years. Other factors, such as increased UV radiation, play an additional role.

A distinction is made between the usually less dangerous "white skin cancer", which can be further subdivided into subtypes, and the "black skin cancer", melanoma.

While white skin cancer mainly occurs on sun-exposed skin areas (face, scalp, back of the hand, décolleté), melanomas occur on all parts of the body.

Skin cancer screening

Self-examination and skin cancer screening. There are different types of skin cancer that need to be treated differently. However, one thing is true for all types of cancer: the earlier they are detected, the greater the chances of cure and, if necessary, the gentler the treatment can be.

Skin screening

Since July 1, 2008, statutorily insured persons over the age of 35 have been entitled to skin cancer screening every two years. The costs are covered by the health insurance funds. The screening, which does not replace self-examination but supplements it, aims to detect the three skin cancers malignant melanoma, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma so early that they do not yet pose a threat to life. This increases the chances of cure and may reduce the need for costly operations and treatments.

ABCDE rule for self-examination

To properly assess a mole, the ABCDE rule helps. If at least one of the following characteristics applies, you should consult a dermatologist:

A for asymmetry - uneven, asymmetrical shape: A new dark skin patch is unevenly shaped-that is, not uniformly round, oval, or oblong, or the shape of an existing patch has changed.

B for border - fading, jagged, uneven and rough edges: a dark skin patch has blurred contours or grows frayed into the healthy skin area.

C for color - different colorations, lighter and darker spots in one time: look for a spot that is not uniform in color.

D for diameter - no larger than five millimeters at the widest point. Marks larger than five millimeters in diameter or hemispherical in shape should be checked.

E for evolution - change in a pigmented mole within the last 3 months should be checked by a doctor.

"Prevention is better than cure".

That is why we recommend regular preventive examinations. With our state-of-the-art diagnostic methods, such as computer-assisted video reflected-light microscopy, we are able to detect skin cancer or its preliminary stages at an early stage. Please make an appointment: Phone +49 7551/1466.

an appointment
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