Black Skin Cancer - Malignant Melanoma

The rarest but most dangerous skin cancer is malignant melanoma - about 21,000 people in Germany develop it every year. If left untreated, it quickly metastasizes. Fast action is therefore indispensable.

Alarm signs of melanoma

You can do a few things yourself: Keep an eye on your skin! The ABCDE rule applies to the assessment of a birthmark. Moles that meet one or more of the following points should be observed particularly closely and you should come to us at the slightest suspicion:

The ABCDE of birthmarks
A = Asymmetrical
B = Border irregular (blurred, scalloped, jagged)
C = Coloration (multicolored, dark brown, blackish brown, reddish, grayish white lightening)
D = diameter greater than 5 millimeters
E = Elevation

In case of changes or newly formed moles, it is recommended to see a dermatologist. Suspect moles are closely monitored or completely removed under local anesthesia and histologically examined.

Risk group for melanoma

  • People with very many moles
  • Occurrence of melanoma in the family
  • people with congenital pigmented moles that are more than 1 cm in diameter
  • massive sunburns in childhood and adolescence

"Precursors" of malignant melanoma

The "mole with cell changes" or dysplastic nevus is not yet a skin cancer, but in rare cases it can develop into a melanoma. How long this takes and whether this case occurs cannot be said in advance. Suspicious moles are closely monitored or removed in an operation.

Incipient melanoma" or melanoma in situ is a true melanoma, which lies in the uppermost cell layer of the skin (epidermis) and has no connection to lymph and blood vessels. Therefore, no metastases can be deposited yet. With timely surgery, this skin cancer is 100% curable - but it is urgent!

Treatment of malignant melanoma

Malignant melanoma must be completely removed surgically with a safety margin. This must be confirmed by subsequent fine tissue (histological) examination. Barely visible scars due to careful microsurgical suturing techniques are our calling card as experienced dermatosurgeons.

The earlier malignant melanoma is detected and the diagnosis confirmed, the better the prognosis.

"Prevention is better than cure". That is why we recommend regular preventive examinations. With our state-of-the-art diagnostic methods, such as computer-assisted video reflected-light microscopy ("photo finder"), we are able to detect skin cancers or its precursors at an early stage and thus cure them in time.

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