
Warts (verrucae) are usually benign viral infections of the skin or mucous membranes that spread particularly readily on the hands and feet. People often contract the virus (HPV viruses) when they are in swimming pools or public showers without bathing shoes. Children, adolescents and young adults are particularly affected.


Warts are round and often rough "skin elevations" with small black spots (hemorrhages). Occasionally, other smaller warts are found in the surrounding area, which have formed through autoinoculation (self-infection). Sometimes they can be very painful, especially on the soles of the feet (so-called prickly warts).


Warts can be detected in most cases by a brief examination.


The risk of infection can be reduced by wearing bathing slippers in swimming pools, sports facilities, saunas and hotel rooms. In addition, the spaces between fingers and toes should be carefully dried after bathing. Patients with warts should not share towels with family members, otherwise the viruses can be transmitted.

Therapy for warts

To avoid further spreading and infection of fellow human beings or family members, warts should definitely be treated. It is important that the treatment is tailored to the individual patient. Various treatment methods are available for this purpose:

  • with liquids and drops for dissolving the horny layer and antiviral therapy
  • with cornea dissolving plasters
  • with cold liquid nitrogen ("icing")
  • with Gentle-YAG Laser
  • through surgery

Often different therapy options have to be combined to achieve a complete healing of the warts.

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