Basal cell carcinoma

The white skin cancer, which develops in the basal cells (lowest layer of the skin layer 1, pink in the scheme). It grows slowly downwards or to the sides, pushing the basal membrane (the "foil" between the epidermis and subcutis, green in the scheme) in front of it. Basal cell carcinoma does not spread to other organs. In unfavorable cases, however, it can
but can grow far down and destroy muscles and bones.

Basal cell carcinoma (basal cell carcinoma) almost never metastasizes. However, it aggressively invades the tissue and continues to grow there destructively. This skin cancer is most dangerous around the face and head, where it can destroy muscles and bones, even the nose and eyes.

Typically, basal cell carcinoma is noticeable by rough, usually skin-colored nodules. Sometimes it forms a small crust and may bleed. If it is detected too late, difficult and costly surgery may be required to remove it.

Treatment therapy

Most basal cell carcinomas must be removed completely surgically. This is done on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. Sometimes still flat and small basal cell carcinomas can also be treated non-invasively by various local therapeutics or a combination therapy of CO2-Laser and subsequent light treatment (so-called photodynamic laser therapy, PDLT).  The latter is a gentle, elegant and at the same time very effective healing method with the best medical and cosmetic results.

See also treatment of actinic keratosis.

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