Invasive spinal cell carcinoma (spinalioma)
Spinalioma is the white skin cancer that has developed from actinic keratosis or in-situ carcinoma after it has broken through the protective film of the basement membrane. If this is the case, this prickle cell cancer has invaded the 2nd layer of the skin and can continue to grow there. Here, the blood and lymph vessels are close by. High time to operate! If this is not done in time, the spinalioma can infect a blood or lymph vessel and spread throughout the body, usually resulting in the death of the patient.
What does a spiny cell carcinoma or spinalioma look like?
In principle, spinalioma looks similar to actinic keratosis, but is more pronounced: a small rough, slightly reddened area, often covered with a horny crust, which may sometimes fall off, but this area does not disappear in between. In some cases, spinalioma can be distinguished from actinic keratosis only by a small procedure (biopsy), performed under local anesthesia, and subsequent fine tissue examination.
Treatment of spiny cell carcinoma or spinalioma:
There is only one option here: the spinal cell cancer (spinalioma) must be completely removed surgically with a safety margin. This must be confirmed by subsequent fine tissue (histological) examination. Barely visible scars due to careful microsurgical suturing techniques are our calling card as experienced dermatosurgeons.
The earlier the spinalioma is detected and the diagnosis confirmed, the better the prognosis.